Trump Derangement Syndrome

Over the last four years, Trumpists, or whatever you want to call them, have often accused the people they deem to be ‘antagonistic leftists’ of suffering from what they call Trump Derangement Syndrome. I know this as I have been told that I suffer from this affliction several times by several people because I get upset over things like immigrant children being purposefully separated from their parents, or the President of the United States standing on the world stage during a summit and saying that he trusts Vladimir Putin more than he trusts his own American intelligence agencies. I’m not going to start a list of all of the truly reprehensible things that Trump has done (despite how good it would feel to spleen-vent right now) because I don’t have to. From “Good people on both sides” to “Stand back and stand by”, he’s made a pretty plain case for why actual liberty-loving people might get pissed off over what this traitorous two-bit wanna-be tyrant says and does.

Which brings us to this week. Woe and behold, this awful week. This darkest week that modern democracy across the world has seen as it was shaken to its very literal foundations in the name of seditious conspiracy theories and outright lies spread from the mouth (and social media) of the President of the United States of America himself, once the most lauded and admired political position in the free world, now reduced to something that I don’t even have a word for; I don’t want to say a he’s a joke because there is absolutely nothing funny about how this loathsome excuse for a human being conducts himself in the name of America, but yes, the enemies of democracy are indeed laughing their asses off right now, and deservedly so – They got exactly what they wanted. And in only one short term, at that!

But those aren’t the enemies I want to talk about right now. I want to talk about the people who are truly suffering with Trump Derangement Syndrome, his sycophantic followers. Those who can’t see through the mire they’ve so deeply entrenched themselves in and catch up with the fact that this chiseler and his QAnon cronies are flat-out conning them and leading them on to the point that they attempted and very nearly succeeded in carrying out a Goddamned armed insurrection against their own government this week! Over a bunch of fraudulent claims that have been disproven several times over already at all levels! Like, excuse me, but who is the deranged one here? They had a fucking gallows erected on the lawn of the bloody Capitol! And, since my wife says I unwittingly use flowery language too often, let me make this abundantly clear just in case this is one of those occasions: They had a hangman-stand set up right outside the seat of government as they stormed the building with zip-ties in hand so that they could take prisoners and bring them to ‘justice’ by executing them! What the ever-fucking fuck?

And don’t give me this “It’s not all of them” bullshit. I’m sorry, but if you stand with Nazis, do you know what that makes you? A fucking Nazi sympathizer and supporter! Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that there were a ton of Nazis there? “Camp Auschwitz” read one man’s shirt, while there were several others bearing the Iron Cross and emblazoned with the slogan “6MWE”, which just so you know means “Six Million Wasn’t Enough”, and just in case you still don’t get it, their talking about the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. These are the people you Trump supporters have chosen to align with. Nice. Like my father always told me, you are the company you keep.

But I’m sure there were good people on both sides of this, right? Nope. Look here, on one side there were Nazis, and on the other, White Supremacists and Proud Boys wearing their freshly printed “Civil War – January 6, 2020” shirts and paraphernalia! Yeah, a great bunch of civic-minded citizens with nothing but love in their hearts as they screamed out threats to murder senators and congressmen while battling back against a ridiculously poorly mishandled police response, and by ‘poorly mishandled’, I mean: Why in the name of all that’s holy weren’t there, like, a zillion more security and police officials in place? It’s not like the Trumpets haven’t been touting across all social media about wanting to do this for weeks or anything! Oh, wait… They have? Of course they fucking have! Donald Trump himself publicly warned about something happening on the Sixth of January – Maybe it’s time people started considering what the words coming out of this double-talking duplicitous fuck’s mouth are actually saying instead of just writing him off as an idiot.

And, quickly, while we’re on the subject of the police, I don’t think it would be a horrible idea to run a check and see how many of the officers that make their living through tax dollars in their sworn duty to protect and serve the public took a paid day off to attend this planned insurrection – My bet is that it was more than a few and each and every one of them should at the very least be fired and made un-hirable in any law-enforcement capacity ever again, as well as banned from ever owning a firearm.

Now, the treasonous traitor named Trump may come across as a troll, a buffoon, and incredibly ignorant and uneducated most of the time, but he’s a super-savvy communicator in his own way and is smart about sliding in innuendoes that deliver a message without actually saying the words that he wants his people to follow. He’s the master of the dog whistle, which of course makes his followers his dogs. Take his recently removed tweet from his recently suspended Twitter account about not attending Biden’s inauguration while his supporters are all still taking to social media to talk about the next phase of their coup, and how that could potentially be an unspoken signal to let them know that it’s safe to attack since he won’t be there in person to get harmed. Now, am I being hyperbolic because I can’t stand the man and his disgusting Authoritarian-loving cultists? Maybe, but take a look at the past week and tell me if I’m simply suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome or not as I see responses to that tweet from his followers saying “We understand” and “Message received”. And, of course, let’s also never forget that as these insurrectionists stormed the Capitol and came insanely close to taking over the government, he Tweeted out that he loved them.

We are now on the precipice of potentially the darkest time in modern Democracy. The pendulum can swing either way and it’s balanced on the edge of a Ginsu blade. This is as bad as it gets before things can’t turn back. Even after being held hostage and forced to evacuate the floor, there are still some senators and congresspeople who support this deranged lunatic while he is actively inciting an insurrection against the US government and the very Constitution that they claim to love and cherish as much as religion itself. Donald Trump must be removed from office immediately, if not sooner. He should have been removed last year when he was impeached, but I won’t go there right now. New articles of impeachment have already been drawn up, but will they come quickly enough, and will a senate filled with enablers finally do the right thing? We shouldn’t even have to get there – Mike Pence needs to make the responsible move and enact the 25th Amendment. There is an unhinged lunatic sitting in the highest office trying to overthrow an election that every single authority and court in the land says that he lost fair and square, and his lawyers have managed to provide absolutely zero evidence to the contrary, despite what they keep saying. It’s over.

Mike Pence, I’m going to speak directly to you right now even though I know that your eyes will never see this, but I need to make this plea just to put it out there into the universe in the hopes that through some sort of miraculous osmosis you pick up on it. By all reports and everything I’ve seen, you are a devout Christian man, and that means that you carry with you the faith that people can always do better and deserve our compassion and pity in the hope that they will make the right choices, and I laud you for believing that. The problem is, Donald Trump does not believe that and he is not going to come around and make those right choices, and in your heart of hearts I believe that you must know this. The only thing Donald Trump believes in is Donald Trump, and right now Donald Trump is terrified about what’s going to happen to him next and will therefore do literally anything to hold on to power, and he has a lot of fucking power, okay? He must be removed before he can do any further damage to democracy, and potentially the world. He must be removed right now. Period.

As for all the rest of you Trump-worshipping people who are cool rubbing elbows with Nazis, we all know that removing Trump doesn’t remove you. But it also doesn’t remove the pity those of us living in a world based on researched and confirmed facts as opposed to the half-baked conspiracy theories you build some sort of misguided narrative around feel for you, and my hope is that once the main man who has been pouring the gasoline on the fire has lost his power and his frauds and lies become exposed more and more, that you’ll be able to see what we’ve been all been telling you all along – That Donald Trump is a dangerous person and as credible a threat to the American Dream as has ever existed, and he’s been stringing you along this whole time simply for the sake of his own self-aggrandizement. Those of us who you say have been suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome have been proven correct about all of our fears as we have all horrifically witnessed after the attempted coup on Wednesday, so is now not maybe a good time to admit that it is in fact you who have been on the wrong side of history for the last few years and disavow your support for this megalomaniacal self-serving mad man? It’s never too late to learn from our mistakes, admit our wrongs, and make better choices. It’s never wrong to admit when you’re wrong.

Unless, of course you’re cool being aligned with white supremacist fascists and their Nazi pals – I can definitely see why a lot of my Trump supporting friends would be okay with that. Especially the Jewish ones.

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